Gender Pay Gap
Gender Pay Gap FY19
From the 6th of April 2017 all employers that fall within a certain criteria (Tripp meet this criteria) will be required by law to publish four types of figures annually on their own and the HMRC government website;
- Gender Pay Gap (mean and median averages)
- Gender bonus gap (mean and median averages)
- Proportion of men and women receiving bonuses
- Proportion of men and women in each quartile of the organisations pay structure
The aim of this requirement is to show that companies are paying the male and female employees equally. Please note that Tripp employs 116 Males (31%) and 253 Females (69%) = 369 (100%) as of January 2019.
In order to calculate if there is a gender pay gap the total salary roll was split between male and female employees. All calculations shown below are based on male v female.
There are three methods used to calculate the figures in the four categories;
Mean = Average of total employees hourly pay and annual bonuses paid.
Median = Exact midpoint of the number of staff ranked from highest hourly rate to lowest. Of the 369 staff the median point would be staff member 184 on the list.
Quartiles = Total number of staff (369) divided into 4 sections from the highest hourly rate to the lowest of employees being 92, 92, 92, 93.
Below are Tripp’s results
- Gender pay gap MEAN £ hourly rate and % variance – Females are paid -£2.48 per hour less than Males which equates to -20.43%
- Gender pay gap MEDIAN hourly rate and % variance -£0.00 and -0% no variance
- Gender bonus gap MEAN - Females are paid £20,000 more in bonuses than the Males which equals 100%
- Gender bonus gap MEDIAN £20,000
- Gender quartiles – Of the total upper quartile (92 staff = 100%) Male pay represents 34% and Female pay 66%.
- Gender quartiles – Of the total upper middle quartile (92 staff = 100%) Male pay represents 30% and Female pay 70%.
Gender quartiles – Of the lower middle quartile (92 = 100%) Male pay represents 27% and Female pay 73%
- Gender quartiles – Of the lower quartile (93 staff =100%) Male pay represents 34% and Female 66%
The findings show that the male hourly rate is 26% higher than that of the females but it also shows that females get paid a higher bonus than that of the males.